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"SpaceX's Falcon Heavy Prepares to Launch NASA's Psyche Mission to Study Mysterious Asteroid"

SpaceX's Falcon Heavy launch for NASA's Psyche asteroid mission:

SpaceX's powerful Falcon Heavy rocket is set to launch NASA's Psyche asteroid mission from Pad 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Originally scheduled for October 12, the launch was delayed by a day due to bad weather. The new launch time is 10:19 a.m. EDT on October 13.

The Falcon Heavy is a remarkable rocket, featuring three strapped-together first stages of SpaceX's Falcon 9. The central booster is brand new for this mission, while the side boosters have participated in previous Falcon Heavy launches. If all goes well, the side boosters will return to Florida after liftoff.

The Psyche mission is intriguing as it will study the metallic asteroid of the same name in detail. This asteroid, which lies in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, is believed to be the exposed core of an ancient protoplanet. The mission is expected to provide crucial insights into the early solar system and the planet-formation process.

The launch is contingent on weather conditions, with a 50% chance of favorable weather. The Psyche mission has multiple launch opportunities available through October 25. You can watch the launch live on, courtesy of NASA and SpaceX.

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